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We understand theimportance of privacy to you and will fully respect your privacy. This PrivacyStatement is intended to help you understand the personal information weprocess and how we ensure that your rights and privacy are respectedaccordingly, in an easy-to-read and navigable form.

Please read thefollowing sections to learn how we collect, use, and protect your personal dataand your rights as a data subject. This statement applies to the products andservices provided by Higer Bus Company Limited (" Us ", "our" orthe "Company").

1. Howdo we get the data

We may collect thefollowing two types of data:

* Data from or about you

* Data from you or about your vehicle

When you communicate with us prior to purchase

When you visit ourwebsite and contact our business personnel regarding product information(including on-site, telephone, email, online instant messaging, etc.), we maycollect personal data from you or about you for the purpose of communicatingwith you and processing your request.

Personal data from you or about you

Data category

Data description


Contact information

Contact person, contact number, address, location, E-mail

Communicate with you, process your requests and provide products or services for you

When you are a customer of Higer Bus

If you are the ownerof product or service of Higer Bus, we may also collect information from orabout you, your vehicle, for the delivery of your order and to fulfill yourservice request.

Personal data from you or about you

Data category

Data description


Order information

Vehicle series/model, contact person, contact number, email address, dealer name and address

Order delivery and fulfill your service request

Financial information

Payment method, account information

Process your payment

Information from or about your vehicle

Data category

Data description


Vehicle data

Vehicle series/model, factory number, vehicle identification number (VIN code), TBOX code, SIM card number, vehicle configuration, vehicle location data

Meet your product and service requests

Safety analysis data

Data on vehicle performance, usage, operation and vehicle health, log information, cybersecurity monitoring data

Provide you with vehicle maintenance (including vehicle remote diagnostics) and continuous improvement of your vehicle based on your consent or a contract we have with you

Vehicle maintenance record

service date, mileage, maintenance information description, maintenance cost, part details

Provide you with continuous maintenance service

Typically,you provide this data to us, but in some cases, we may collect data about youfrom third parties or public records. We protect data obtained from such thirdparties in accordance with the practices described in this Privacy Statement.

2. Howdo we use data

We may process the data we collect for the following purposes:

i.  Communicate withyou, respond to your needs, and fulfill your requests;

ii. Perform contractualobligations, such as: provide services that customer requested, provideon-board functions on demand, provide remote diagnostics, remote monitoring,and support vehicle maintenance;

iii. Continuous improveour products and services.

We will not sell your personal data to any person or organization at anytime for any purpose whatever.

If you would like to review, modify your data, or withdraw your consent,you can contact us by email to Privacy@higer.com

Data may be processed electronically in IT systems or manually in paperform. Data processing will comply with the principles of fairness, legality andtransparency throughout its life cycle and comply with applicable laws andregulations to ensure data security and confidentiality.

3. Impact of failure to provide data

Submissionof data was never mandatory. However, failure to provide the required data,which is marked as required, may prevent us from providing the services orproducts you require, or may cause us to provide the services or products yourequire less than ideal. On the other hand, if the data marked as optional isnot provided, you can obtain the service or receive the product in any case.

4. How do we share your data

We are a company specializing in themanufacture of buses, and subject to compliance with applicable laws and regulations regarding datastorage and cross-border transfer of data, data may be shared and passed on tothe trustee, such as: Our subsidiaries, affiliates, and joint ventures, serviceproduct suppliers, authorized resellers, distributors and business partners inor outside the People's Republic of China in which we are directly orindirectly involved have specific contractual obligations and may only use themfor the purposes described above.

Data may be provided to othertrusted trustees in order to fulfill legal obligations, manage and maintain thesecurity of the Company, protect the rights or property of the Company, andrespond to orders from relevant government authorities.

In such cases, the abovecompanies or organizations must strictly comply with our privacy and dataprotection requirements and must not use the personal data they receive from usfor any other purpose.

5. Cross-border data transmission

Higer Bus CompanyLimited is committed to the researchand development, production, and sales of large, medium and light passengercars, with a market covering nearly 150 countries and regions. In order toprovide you with products or services, your data may be transferred to theterritory of the People's Republic of China, including storing such data indigital or physical databases managed on our behalf. Database management anddata processing are limited to the above data processing purposes, and we willperform the necessary assessments required by laws and regulations and meet therequirements of privacy protection laws to ensure that data is adequatelyprotected.

If you are located in the European Economic Area, we ensure that thecross-border transfer of your personal data is carried out in accordance withapplicable privacy regulations and that appropriate technical and organizationalsafeguards have been established. If you have any questions, please contact usat Privacy@higer.com.

6. Retain your personal data

For the purposes stated in the Statement, we will retain and maintain yourpersonal data in our systems and files for the shortest period permitted by lawand regulations, taking into account legal and contractual requirements whenapplicable, unless the storage period is extended for your benefit.

When the data is no longer necessary for the purpose for which it wasprocessed, the data will be deleted or stored in a form that does not allow theidentification of the data subject.

During the data retention period, if we receive your deletion request, wewill delete your personal data according to your request, unless it needs to beretained for a certain period according to the requirements of relevant lawsand regulations. In all cases, we will abide by the above principles and referto the professional advice of the Privacy Management Department.

7. Your rights to your data

You may exercise your rights under applicable laws and regulations,including:

* Right to access and gain information: you have the right to receive an explanation fromthe processor as to how your personal data is processed, for what purpose andwith whom it is shared, and the right to request access to your personal data.

* Right of correction: you have the right to request the processor to correct personal data thatyou may consider inaccurate and to request the completion of incompleteinformation.

* Right of deletion: you have the right to request the processor to delete your personal data subjectto applicable laws and regulations and company shall not be delayed without reason.

* Right of data portability: you have the right to request the processor totransfer your personal data to another designated processor without beingobstructed by the processor.

* Right to withdraw consent: you can withdraw your consent to the collection,storage and processing of your personal data at any time.

You can exercise these rights by contacting us at the following emailaddress: Privacy@higer.com

If you send us a request, we may need to obtain additional personalinformation from you to verify your identity and contact you if necessary. Thisinformation, as well as other data already in our possession, will be processedin accordance with applicable law to meet your request. When necessary, certaininformation may be transferred to a subsidiary or affiliate of Higer Bus CompanyLimited as a trustee to fulfill yourrequest. Your personal data will be processed for as long as it takes toevaluate and process your request, after which your data will be archived foran appropriate period so that we can demonstrate that the request has beenprocessed correctly and in a timely manner.

8. Updates to this Privacy Statement

This Privacy Statement sets out the details about your personal data that Higer Bus CompanyLimited collects and from time to timewe may develop new features or services that may require us to change thisPrivacy Statement if the scope and purpose of the data collected changes.

ThisPrivacy Statement is updated in  July , 2024 . We reserve the right to modify or update this Privacy Statement at anytime to adapt to changes in laws, regulations and our processes. We will postupdates on this site from time to time, and this information is effective atthe time of Posting. We encourage you to periodically review this Privacy Statementto understand how we protect your information.

9. Contact us

If you have questions or comments about privacy, or submit a request forprivacy data based on the data subject's rights, please contact us at Privacy@higer.com.